Sponsor our ponies

Become a sponsor

Help spread a little magic...

Your Details

Your full name: Sibella Barbosa
Your email: sam_bunting@hotmail.com
Pony sponsored: Blu Boi
Sponsorship type: Gift

Sponsorship Certificate Details

Name on Sponsorship Certificate: Raphael Barbosa
Email Sponsorship Certificate to: sam_bunting@hotmail.com
View Certificate: Click here to open / print Certificate

Personalised Email Details

Message on personalised email: Self sponsor or giftee personalised email not required.

Gift Aid Details

Gift Aid: Yes…
Address: 7, Heughscar Close CA10 2NE
Message: For Raphael’s 13th Birthday

Sponsorship Details

Sponsorship amount per month: £10.00
Sponsorship term: One Year
Agreed to terms of sponsorship: Yes
Your signature: