Buddy Breaks
202320oct(oct 20)4:00 pm23(oct 23)9:00 amBuddy BreaksWeekendPrice per Person £360

Event Details
What are they? Our Buddy Breaks are for those who are independent in the majority of their day-to-day lives. They may need some support in an unfamiliar environment with new tasks
Event Details
What are they?
Our Buddy Breaks are for those who are independent in the majority of their day-to-day lives. They may need some support in an unfamiliar environment with new tasks and a new routine. Our ‘Buddies’ – volunteers with the Calvert Trust who have a care, teaching, clinical, or similar background – are there to support people with reminders and prompts and provide help assisting them to integrate socially with other members of the group if appropriate.
What’s included?
Well – everything you’d expect:
- 3 nights accommodation in our on-site, spick and span ensuite rooms (by the way – we don’t do online booking as we like to find out exactly what you need from your room first!)
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner plus snacks
- If you need a buddy there is a small additional cost of £40
- A brilliant array of accessible outdoor activity – tailored to you and the time of year.
- And everything else – all those things you didn’t expect but that really matter: meeting and making friends with like-minded people; a break away from the daily grind; doing things you may never have thought possible; quite simply – making memories.
Available Spaces
Price per Person
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20 (Friday) 4:00 pm - 23 (Monday) 9:00 am