Thank you for your Gift Aid donation Gift Aid gets us 25% more from your donation Gift Aid helps us provide even more support Gift Aid Details Thank you for your donation we really do appreciate your help As long as you live in the UK and are paying income tax, Gift Aid allows charities to reclaim the 25% tax paid on any donations. In other words, for every £1 you donate, we can claim an additional 25p from the government. Learn more. In order for us to claim the tax part of your donation we need a couple of details to prove you are a UK Tax Payer. Please fill in the details below and click Submit. You will then receive an email to confirm your details have been received. Name * Name First First Last Last First line of your address * Postcode * Email * Gift Aid * I confirm I wish to Gift Aid my donation to Lake District Calvert Trust Email Consent I am happy for Calvert Trust to contact me via email Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.