Did you know that Down Syndrome occurs when there is a duplication of the twenty-first chromosome and affects approximately 6,000 babies at birth every year? March 21, 2024 is World Downs Syndrome day, the date specifically chosen to represent the chromosomal defection found in Down Syndrome. We invite you to join us on an Outdoor Activity weekend in the Lakes to raise public awareness, promote inclusivity and to be a part of the Calvert Can do Attitude – see you there!
What’s included?
Well – everything you’d expect:
- Accommodation in our on-site, spick and span ensuite rooms (by the way – we don’t do online booking as we like to find out exactly what you need from your room first!)
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner plus snacks
- A brilliant array of accessible outdoor activity – led by our qualified instructors – tailored to you and the time of year.
- And everything else – all those things you didn’t expect but that really matter: meeting and making friends with like-minded families; a break together – as a family; doing things you may never have thought possible – together; quite simply – making memories.
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