Cheryl’s Summer Swim to Work

Why is Cheryl from the Marketing department swimming to work every day in July???

The Challenge:  I intend to swim across Bassenthwaite Lake to work every working day in July from Wythop to the Boat House at the Calvert Trust.  The distance is just over 1km and it will total 21 days. The Why:  I have only recently started working with the Calvert Trust and want to play my part in raising money directly for the Charity.  The Outdoors has played a key role in (and shaped) my life. The Calvert Trust enable people with disabilities to achieve their potential through challenge of adventurous activities in the countryside in order for them to develop, change perceptions and make positive and lasting changes to their lives.  It is such an amazing centre, with incredibly talented staff who make the outdoors accessible and enjoyable for all – I feel proud and humbled to be a part of that – CAN DO attitude.

Why? Why am I doing this you may ask. Well, my only motivation is purely to get the message out there & raise money, that this challenge is tough and it needs to be to match up with the achievements of the people visiting the centre.  The centre needs funds raised for it as all have struggled in the pandemic, so if we can get people sharing and donating money, then that would be a good thing!  PS – My shoulders are already aching and its only day 7

Get involved: follow in Cheryl’s footsteps and take up the challenge of ‘Around the Bays in 80 Days‘!

Just giving Link – Cheryl Frost is fundraising for The Lake District Calvert Trust (