Calvert Lakes Logo

Leading the way in accessible outdoor adventure

Explore the majestic Lake District

Our Keswick based centre has a state-of-the-art water centre

We provide a safe and supportive Lakeland experience

Your adventure starts here

We believe The Lakes should be accessible to everyone. Our residential breaks help people with a range of disabilities experience the Lake District in a safe and supportive way. Delivering a fun and fulfilling experience that makes a positive difference in their lives.

We welcome adults, families and groups from across the UK to our Keswick-based centre for accessible holidays. Breaks are all-inclusive, activities are for everyone in your party, both with and without disabilities. The centre is fully accessible, all rooms have ensuite wet rooms and we can provide additional equipment such as hoists and profiling beds.

Find out more about the range of breaks we offer by exploring the links below.

Calvert Lakes – Book A Relaxing Break Now

Adult Breaks

Join other adults with similar disabilities and have challenging fun in the outdoors sampling a range of structured activities.

Calvert Lakes Family Scene

Family Breaks

Bring your whole family and take part in challenging activities alongside other people of similar ages and disabilities.

Calvert Lakes School Groups

Group Breaks

Whether you’re a school group, a charity or a club, develop the confidence and independence of children and adults through challenges and experiences on a break designed just for you.

Calvert Lakes Non-School Groups

Coming Up

See what’s on here at Calvert Lakes – both breaks and our all important fundraising events! What will you choose?